Various names have been used for computer vision systems. This lists some of the more famous systems. You may want to see the Source Code Listing or the the Vendor Listing for implementations or companies that will provide a finished product.
Computer Vision resources include:
For more information on the topics, contact information, etc. see the annotated Computer Vision Bibliography or the Complete Conference Listing for Computer Vision and Image Analysis
System, ACCIO
* Localized Content-Based Image Retrieval
System, CATENA
* Fully Automatic Optical Processing System CATENA at DLR, The
* C^4: A Real-Time Object Detection Framework
System, GelSight
* Microgeometry Capture using an Elastomeric Sensor
System, Halcon
* *MVTec Software GmbH
System, Impala
* *Euvision Technologies
System, Seadragon
* *Zoom It, Seadragon
System, Zorroa
* Mining Insights From Visual Assets
Section: ACRONYM and SUCCESSOR Papers - Stanford University and Others (H2)
* Model-Based Interpretation of Range Imagery
System: ALVINN
Section: CMU Road Followers, ALVINN YARF MANIAC (H2)
* Neural Network Perception for Mobile Robot Guidance
* Panacea: An Active Sensor Controller for the ALVINN Autonomous Driving System
System: AMBLER
* AMBLER: An Autonomous Rover for Planetary Exploration
System: APPLY
* Architecture Independent Programming Language for Low-Level Vision, An
System: BABE
* Incorporating Vanishing-Point Geometry in Building Extraction Techniques
System: CME
Section: SRI Environments -- Image Calc, CME RADIUS (H2)
System: Codger
* June 1987 Annual Report: Development of an Integrated Mobile Robot System at Carnegie Mellon
System: Condor
* Context-Based Vision: Recognizing Objects Using Information from Both 2-D and 3-D Imagery
* Employing Contextual Information in Computer Vision
* Natural Object Recognition
System: CVS
* Context-Based Vision: Recognition of Natural Scenes
System: ENVI
* *ITT Visual Information Solutions
System: Geometer
* Constraint-Based Modeling
* Geometer: A System for Modeling and Algebraic Manipulation
System: Gipsy
* *Groningen Image Processing System, GIPSY
* Gipsy: General Image Processing System
System: IDECS
* Image Discrimination Enhancement Combination System (IDECS)
System: IGS
* IGS: A Paradigm for Integrating Image Segmentation and Interpretation
System: IUA
Section: Hardware -- Image Understanding Architecture, IUA (H2)
* Image Understanding Architecture, The
* Overview of Architecture Research for Image Understanding at the University of Massachusetts, An
System: IUE
Section: Image Understanding Environment, The (H2)
System: KBVision
* Image Understanding Tools
System: Khoros
* Khoros Software Development Environment for Image and Signal Processing, The
System: MANIAC
* MANIAC: A Next Generation Neurally Based Autonomous Road Follower
Section: CMU MAPS Image Database System (H1)
System: Mapsee
* Knowledge Structuring and Constraint Satisfaction: The Mapsee Approach
* Logic of Depiction, The
System: MSYS
* MSYS: A System for Reasoning about Scenes
System: NAVLAB
* *Vision and Navigation, the Carnegie Mellon NAVLAB
Section: Carnegie Mellon NAVLAB, AMBLER, etc. (H2)
System: NGS
* June 1987 Annual Report: Development of an Integrated Mobile Robot System at Carnegie Mellon
System: OpenCV
* OpenCV: Examples of Use and New Applications in Stereo, Recognition and Tracking
System: Phoenix
* Phoenix Image Segmentation System: Description and Evaluation, The
* Recursive Region Segmentation by Analysis of Histograms
System: Poly
* Interpreting Pictures of Polyhedral Scenes
System: SEE
* Computer Recognition of Three-Dimensional Objects in a Visual Scene
System: SIGMA
* Expert Systems for Image Processing: Knowledge-Based Composition of Image Analysis Processes
* Sigma Image Understanding System, The
* SIGMA: A Knowledge-Based Aerial Image Understanding System
System: SLAM
* General Learning Algorithm for Robot Vision
System: Spider
* Design and Implementation of SPIDER: A Transportable Image Processing Software Package
System: Successor
* *CVonline: Model-based vision
Section: ACRONYM and SUCCESSOR Papers - Stanford University and Others (H2)
System: Tina
* multiprocessor 3D vision system for pick and place, A
* Parallel Architecture for Fast 3-D Machine Vision
System: VaMoRs
* VaMoRs-P An Advanced Platform for Visual Autonomous Road Vehicle Guidance
Section: Complete Systems Derived from the Univ. Massachusetts Work (H2)
Section: University of Massachusetts VISIONS System (H2)
* Segmentation of Natural Scenes
* Use of an Evidential Based Model for Representing Knowledge and Reasoning about Images in the VISIONS System, The
* VISIONS: A computer System for Interpreting Scenes
System: Vista
* Vista: A Software Environment for Computer Vision Research
System: YARF
* Combining Artificial Neural Networks and Symbolic Processing for Autonomous Robot Guidance
Section: GIS: Database Issues, Implementation Issues, Design (H2)
Section: GIS: Systems, Complete Systems, Implementation (H1)
Section: GIS: Temporal Database Issues, Spatio-Temporal Database, Dynamic (H3)
Section: GIS: Volunteered Geographic Information, Open Access, Crowd Sourcing, Crowdsource (H2)
For more information on the topics, contact information, etc. see the annotated Computer Vision Bibliography or the Complete Conference Listing for Computer Vision and Image Analysis